Best Summer Camps in New Jersey

It’s time to think summer! Now that the Easter Bunny has hopped away, it’s time for parents and kids to start really planning (or day-dreaming) about the lazy days of summer.   But we all know that too much laziness can be a recipe for disaster.   So, with that in mind, we’ve rounded-up a few exciting camps in the NJ

Best Summer Camps in New Jersey

Fire Me Up Studios, Cranford NJ

The studio hosts camps teach basic pottery skills and give kids the chance to finally get their own hands dirty and sculpt their own works.  

HOME Power Yoga, Cranford, New Jersey

This yoga studio with a truly family feel can introduce your child to the rewards and benefits of using their bodies in an interesting and interactive environment perfect for kids.

Liberty Lake Day Camp

Liberty Lake Day Camp is a transformative experience, teaching life skills to inspire young people to change the world.

Swipe up to read   The  Best Summer Camps in New Jersey