Fun Summer Craft for Kids: Friendship Pins

If you’re contemplating on some charming summer activities that your kids will love, then this summer themed friendship pin is for you!

This summer themed craft is super fun for kids who are searching for craft ideas to do in their spare time.

Just add beads to a pin in different colors and designs. My girls also love to write out words and also add their friends’ names or initials.

How do you make friendship pins?

How do you wear friendship pins?

If you want to wear them with the beaded side correctly showing, you do have to actually “untwist” the safety pin.

For this, just make a bunch of the pins and then string them on 2 pieces of elastic.

Turn your friendship pins into a bracelet

Another fun thing to do is make multi pin friendship pins. You make a bunch of pins and then slide them all onto 1 pin so they “hang”.

Multi Pin Friendship Pins 

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