Mother’s Day Idea: Have a Virtual Tea Party

For grandmothers that live farther away, it’s really hard to cancel flight plans to visit grandkids. We were determined to figure out  a special virtual mother’s day for grandmas.

My mom has been the biggest help when each of our babies was born. I don’t think I ever realized just how much of help until we had a baby and she was not allowed to visit.

So we invited Grammy to a virtual tea party! Once I thought of the idea, we decided to do it a week early so I could share the idea.

Here’s how to have a virtual tea party:

1. Invite Grandma. 2. Get dressed up in your finest tea party apparel. 3. Make your tea and snacks and tell your virtual guests to do the same.

Happy Mother’s Day

We hope all the moms, grandmothers, aunts and special ladies in your life have a very happy Mother’s Day!

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